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  TRIBE 03: LOCAL: London

Mark Power. Text and photos by Nico Macdonald.

Mark lives in Thomas More House, with his wife Phyllida, and kids Thomas and Mathilde. Phyllida 'leads the organisation' of the house. Mark is more reflective about organisation, noting that at work "I am regarded as one of the least committed to the systems we set up".

They designed drawers and converted an ill-conceived cupboard into useful storage units. The shelf is occupied by the fax machine, a holder for notes to people and for cards, and a bowl for toys that need mending. A 'nice Danish art pot' is used for receipts. ("I will finally sit down and do my tax", Mark sighs, wistfully.) Bills and other documents are filed in drawers, and a screen can slide across to hide the whole arrangement.

On the other side of the room, adjacent to the desk, they have two filing cabinets, both neatly organised, and with Phyllida's carefully labelled in that universal architects' script. Her files include information on a women's architecture group, and the UK thinktank Demos. When Mark is at the glass desk Phyllida relocates to her 'ecritoir'.

Marks uses black notebooks for sketching, and also for taking notes and making lists. He has been doing this for some years. They also use a traditional calendar for noting family events, though lives on a shelf rather than the wall. In their bedroom are open-fronted shelves for document files. In front and on top of them are bills and other documents waiting to be dealt with.